Sunday, June 8, 2008

On a Cloudy Day

You might have seen this odd list of words on Flickr.

This list is called a Tag Cloud, a Tag Crowd, or a Data Cloud. Items are in A-Z alphabetical order, and font size shows popularity. You can see Flickr's most current list at

You can also create your own Tag Clouds by using free tools available on the Internet. Some of these are listed in
Tag Cloud Tools and Articles, Wikipedia 2008.

I used a tool called
Tag Crowd, to create Tag Clouds of the speeches that Hillary Clinton, John McCain, and Barack Obama gave on 03 June 2008, when Obama became the presumptive presidential nominee of the Democratic Party.

I set the parameters of Tag Crowd to a max of 25 words, each appearing a mininum of 5x. There are more options. You can see them at Tag Crowd. Enjoy the results!

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