Monday, May 19, 2008


This is my 23 things blog! Is anyone reading this blog?

I ask because 23 things is a project to help staff learn about interactive web tools. We have also opened gmail accounts as part of the project, but so far no 23 things email on my gmail account. It is strange to me that people are creating tools to communicate, but are not using them to communicate with each other or to create communities of users.

This is part of what appeared at the end of week 2 of the project:

A blog (short for Web Log) is a social networking tool that allows users to share a running log of events and personal insights. Blogs are like an online journal created by a group of people who collaborate and share their ideas and information.

Are we only testing these tools? Are we supposed to find our own communities?

Let's create a community! I wonder if anyone is interested?

I will need to contact a Web 2.0 Exploration Project Team Member. Or, send a general staff email to help spark the creation of a community.

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