Monday, May 19, 2008

What's the Use?

Another 23 things classic classroom type question -- with my vintage style response:

For your second post share your ideas on how blogging can be used in libraries.
What's the Use?

It can little be disputed that there are many ways in which blogs may serve to promote an increased benefit to the public regarding that well known repository of knowledge and amusements: the public library. There may be blogs that service interest in areas that please the public imagination: mysteries, romance, science fiction, general fiction, historical novels and more. There may be blogs that entertain and inform the general populace regarding varied topics: the paranormal, religion, science, business, health, cooking, crafts, history, art, biography and so on. There may be DVD and CD blogs for those for whom the moving image or the sound of the human voice in word or song drives their interests. And, there may be blogs announcing book and library events for those who take pleasure in the company of their fellows. Patron replies, if enabled on the blog, might be a rich source of ideas and suggestions and hence of benefit to public libraries. Indeed, so rich are the possible areas that may be blogged with benefit to public libraries that we will stop here and cast for other possible areas of library blogging in addition to those open to viewing by the general populace.

Internal blogs for each department of the library relating to their own special interests: cataloguing, acquisitions, reference, administration, and more, might well prove to be a source of continual erudition, bemusement, and edification.

There is little to refute the idea that blogs can help libraries become more dynamic and integrated institutions, especially when ideas are followed through and implemented. Nor, is it difficult to see that blogs can help bring patrons more access and awareness of growing resources and opportunities: new databases, classes, most recent innovations, and so forth. Still, the implementation of blogs rests on the efforts of those who will not merely bother themselves to enjoy a blog, but who will also devote themselves to the creation of blogs, to the work, and to the dedication that maintenance of quality demands.

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