Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Do You YouTube?

YouTube is an amazing video website. There is an enormous amount of material on YouTube. A potential problem is spending too much time surfing YouTube, and also using up a lot of bandwidth. There are also issues regarding copyright and inappropriate material.

You can create a free account on YouTube. This lets you set up a favorites listing, and also upload your own videos to YouTube.

I enjoyed looking at YouTube. I like the feature that presents videos similar to the one I am looking at -- these are shown in video sidebar to the right of the page. This often produces very interesting leads.

Libraries can benefit from using YouTube. Libraries can get their own YouTube accounts and upload instructional material, or they can host these videos on their own servers. Libraries could even have contests were patrons create their own instructional videos -- winners based on popularity, voting by patron library card number.

Video instruction on the use of the OPAC, databases, referenced websites, and classes would help more patrons to learn about our resources and services -- that is, so long as these videos are entertaining, creative, clear, short and easy to understand.

I searched for: palm beach county library, on YouTube and got about 41 hits. Here's Dr John C. Callahan III, the Director of our library system making a presentation:

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