Tuesday, July 8, 2008


The Technorati searches were a dissapointment.

The URL search and the Tag search produced very weak results. These searches made Technorati seem like a bunch of post-it notes linked to each other by tags.

The URL search for: http://www.pbclibrary.org, was almost empty of value -- unless you're interested in the brute fact that the URL generates lisitngs.

The tags for "web 2.0" were equally pointless. If you are interested in looking up a tag and "trying your luck", then you will be in for a windfall of fun, otherwise don't waste your time.

TheTechnorati homepage provides a better impression with links on Business, Entertainment, Politics, Technology, and by grouping results into "Rising Blogs by Attention" and "Rising Stories by Attention".

Technorati might serve some as a useful search portal on blogs, but my searches on it have not produced outstanding results.

Technorati has its own blog for those who would enjoy looking more deeply into the ways of Technorati.

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