Thursday, July 3, 2008

It's a Library Thing

LibraryThing is a library cataloguing system that let's you create an online catalogue of the books you own. The first 200 books are free; after that, there is a 10 dollar yearly fee -- or, you can opt for a one time 25 dollar life membership.

To add a book you simply click the "add books" tab found along the top of your LibraryThing homepage, type into the search box the name of the book you want to catalogue, and the system does the work of cataloguing the book. The catalogue entry includes a picture of the book, it's title and author, a description of it's content, how many members have also catalogued it, the number of reviews available on the book, and much more.

My favorite features of LibraryThing include the ability to see the libraries of members who have catalogued the same and similar books as I have, the ability to join discussions, being able to participate in groups, and contacting members.

On learning about LibraryThing, I prefer
A very short introduction to LibraryThing which introduces you on how to get started.

Click on my Library Things Homepage Link to see my library.

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